Monday, December 14, 2009

Losing the art

The days of receiving a handwritten letter in the post are pretty much gone. While I'm the first to say that I couldn't live without email, I do love the idea of checkingthe mailbox and opening up a letter on lined paper in somebody's scrawl or beautiful penmanship. The only handwritten letters I get now are from the Mr's grandmother. I really love getting her letters - they are super old school and contain (way too much) info about her health, the garden and her neighbours. Letter writing is therapeutic isn't it? I think the reader gets as much pleasure as the writer.
I always have good intentions on pulling out the lined paper and writing a long letter back but time gets the better of me and I end up typing a letter. Sad to think I can type a lot faster than I can write.
This letter is waiting to be mailed. Hope grandma pulls it out of the mailbox, smiles, sits down at the table with a cuppa and enjoys it.

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