Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Train masterpiece

Herb turned one earlier this month. The Mr and I stayed up very late creating this awesome cake. My friend Sara Lee made the cake (tip to all other parents - Sara Lee slab cake is really easy to ice and cut) but we constructed, iced and decorated. It was such fun.
When I was little, my sister and I looked through the Women's Weekly Birthday Cake book over and over and over. Lots of weekends - especially those rainy ones- were spent poring over the book trying to decide which cake we'd have for our next birthday. Can I get a few things off my chest?
1. Who would want the duck cake? The popcorn and the potato chips would go soggy from the icing. Plus the cake to icing ratio is way too high.
2. I wanted the sweet shop so badly...and never got it.
3. How did the crew at WW make sure that the paper on the typewriter didn't get oily from the icing?
4. Did I mention I love butter icing. Like, realllllly love it.
Ok, that's all. For now.

Meanwhile, the train cake was sooooo good. I think we'll do the helicopter next year.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Oh my gosh you made the train!! That must have been a LOT of work.

I always wanted the train - but my brother got it :( but we used to do the exact same thing - pour over that book on the weekends deciding which cake we wanted for our next birthday. So much fun.