Sunday, May 4, 2008

How many tunes do you sing to?

After I'd written my last post, I started singing along with good old Neil and it got me many songs do you know the words to? I haven't listened to this particular CD in ages but I still know all the words. Do you think that we all know the words to thousands of songs? I reckon I know all the lyrics to most Elvis tunes (thanks to my Dad playing the CD's to me and my sister during our very Elvis-esque childhood). I'd like to pop a question out there - how many songs do you guestimate you know the words to? I'm taking a stab in the dark and saying 2000.
p.s. Given that I think I have only one reader of this blog I don't expect floods of comments but hey - you never know.


CurlyPops said...

I've never really thought about but sometimes a song will come on the radio that I haven't heard for 10 years and I can still sing along...weird!

muralimanohar said...

I can sing along to parts of a LOT of songs. But, I also can only hum to a lot, since I actually pay no attention to lyrics for the most part. :p Sometimes I will play a song on repeat for months before I will actually realize what the hell the song is about! lol